Author Topic: Dahlia seeds  (Read 6893 times)


  • Joined Aug 2020
Dahlia seeds
« on: August 31, 2020, 03:59:09 pm »
Good morning all.
I am thinking of planting dahlia seeds in early October, much like you would sweet peas. I usually buy tubers, but think it would be cheaper to try seeds. I thought I would keep them over winter in the little seed house, it isn't heated, but is well insulted with bubble wrap. Does any one else think this would work?
Thanks for any thoughts


  • Joined May 2010
  • South Lanarkshire
    • ScotHebs
Re: Dahlia seeds
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2020, 12:04:04 am »
I sowed mine in about Feb or Mar this year and they were flowering before the frosts finished at the beginning of June.  Dahlias grow very fast  :o  and don't like frost.  I wouldn't risk trying to overwinter them in the green.  You can overwinter tubers in sand, then either bring them on from that, or take the new shoots from the overwintered tubers as cuttings to make several new plants.
Sweet peas on the other hand are very hardy and love to overwinter.
Perhaps you live somewhere with very mild winters in which case it's worth a go.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 12:05:55 am by Fleecewife »
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