I am now the owner of an agri spec Honda Quadbike, I use it to get around the place.
It may occasionally go on the road , very rarely and very short distance.
Mainly I wish to insure it for third party and more importantly against theft. I have been looking for quotes to compare.
So far I have been on line, entering my details and getting phone calls not from insurance providers but numptys that take all my details and put me on hold awaiting "an agent" in every occasion the call is eventually answered by some one who has no idea why I am calling.
So far this morning this has happened 5 times, it is annoying that I cant get a straight answer.
My motor car insurer doesn't cater for quad bikes, and the NFU I think are still in hibernation as the local office dont answer the phone.
Please any suggestions please as to insurers that will insure an agri spec quad that is road registered and driven by a full licence holder of 47 years ?