we had an older thin ewe go very weak and wobbly and at one point not be able to get to her feet, this was about 3 or 4 weeks before she lambed - having been scanned as barren we put it down to her aging, arthritits etc and brought her up to give her extra feeds. I thought she should be put down, however we kept her going with small feeds and molasses she then started to just about be able to get up again, but still looking very weak and wobbly, however she could then go out for some grass in the day, after a few days of picking up she started to lamb (!) producing 2 lambs, one very lively smaller one and the other a biggish lamb with a spine deformity which had to be put down. Could hardly believe this, obviously very little udder showing. She seem okish after lambing although quite weak she was eating plenty of energy feed but then got very weak after a couple of days and stopped eating and being able to get up. She didn't show a great response to calciject but included magnesium sulphate in her drench, as well as malt extract, liquid vitamins, glucose, honey and garlic mix and she has made an amazing recovery from looking virtually dead on Sunday to getting up and running away when she sees me with the drench by Monday night - now tucking into her food again. We bought her some grass pellets which seemed to help tempt her to eat when her apertite was depressed, also soaked sugarbeet is quite a good feed if they are used to eating it. She hardly looks wobbly at all now but I am going to keep giving her an energy drench every day for a little while yet. We have kept her lamb with her and she is managing to feed him, would definately not have kept 2 on her, so hopefully we can continue to keep him with her now.