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Author Topic: a lump on the jaw??  (Read 4653 times)


  • Joined Feb 2011
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a lump on the jaw??
« on: February 23, 2011, 08:18:26 am »
went for a walk yesterday with the laddies.
one of the goats in the field that belongs to the neighbor had what looks like an burst abscess on its lower that made me freak, the owner came over when he saw me and I pointed it out, he speaks NO English, I pointed at the abscess and then at my elbows and knees and pretended to be in pain, all he could do was shrug and take his goats away...
My worry is CL please tell me I am worrying over nothing, his other goats look fine its just last yrs kid that shows it.
To top it all the vets are on strike over the use of Ketomin...(dunno I am trying to work out what that is all about)

I will try to get a pic, but how do you take a pic of someone elses goat?Huh?Huh?
would the field be infected? if it had burst in the field?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 08:56:16 am by seldomseen »


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Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 10:34:48 pm »
Is there brambles or anything on the field that the goat could have browsed, and thats what caused the damage to its jaw.

If it was an abscess, and its burst, then hopefully it should be ok, although personally I would be at least bathing it, to keep it clean.

Is there no one that speaks the same language, who could translate your concerns - although the owner may not act on them, its worth a tr


  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 07:36:36 am »
Looked it up on the web and am not taking my lot out in that field until I am certain its just a sliver or something,
there are no brambles to note anly a rose bush further into the vinyard thats been abandoned, the field or should I say area is about 1000 acres so very big to cover, I walk that area alot.
To make things worse the vets are on strike because the government stopped all ketomine injections so cannot ask them yet, they will be around the villages soon as its one of their tasks to test the animals (free) and give the cows their boosters....what ever that is.
We where at a party last night with a farmer I trust and he did not seem to worry (can cows get the same thing ?) but then unless something happens to their animals no one seems to care around here....JMHO


  • Joined Dec 2009
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Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 10:37:32 am »
Possibly orf, contagious, bacterial and will heal of its own accord. Can be transmitted to humans (and said to be very painful, lesions on hand etc), but nothing deadly. Over here, it is treated if it is a whole (sheep)flock problem, but isolated cases are best given an antibiotic (if secondary infection is likely) and the lesions just treated with  bit of sudocream (or any nappy rash cream that helps healing sore/broken skin).

I don't however now how big the lesions you describe are, could be somethign else...


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Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 08:59:45 pm »
I understand your concerns seldomseen. I think I too would avoid the field until you were sure all is ok. I take it your primary worry is Caseous Lymphadenitis. I don't know how common it is where you are?

Here it is pretty uncommon- but reading about it I can see it is also spread by coughing as well as by the pus itself. I do hope it is not that and the poor goat just has had a infected scratch or something.



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Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2011, 10:19:23 pm »
Last year I went to let the goats out and give them their breakfast to find one with a lump the size of a large marble on her jaw - vet came within an hour - drained it and she was given anti-biotics which worked a treat and she's was as right as rain in a week - he did take a sample to be tested and all was fine - he said it could have been something sharp down the side of a tooth caused it. Re Orf - I thought that was basically sheep/goat coldsores - spreads a lot as they sniff/lick each other but not to worry about too much.
Pygmy Goats, Shetland Sheep, Zip & Indie the Border Collies, BeeBee the cat and a wreak of a building to renovate!!


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Crimea
Re: a lump on the jaw??
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2011, 09:20:36 am »
Thanks so far, I shall go and take a look out there as soon as this wind stops, boy when that wind blows from Siberia we sure do know about it lol


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