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Author Topic: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?  (Read 47571 times)

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #75 on: March 19, 2011, 01:59:09 pm »
bluemoon i heard you were in Australia not Kentucky :wave:
ignorance of what feedback is     it is ignorance to the regulations of keeping pigs in Europe :wave:

The only one who's close to "blue" is you and thats mainly to do with the weather(ho,ho).

The concept of feedback has been around for years and the last time I feed piglets back to sows was in 1994 and since then a hell of alot has happened and changed with the rules and regulations ie Foot and Mouth, Swine Flu, Mad Cow and so on.

And as to feeding poo back to gilts, that is just to expose them to bugs and trigger thier immune system and is not so they eat it.

Vaccines have also advanced massively ie only one shot is need and a larger range is now available.

Since 1994 I've ONLY vaccinated with Erysorb, Gletvac 6(for outdoors), Stella Immune once, Parvac and Porcol 5.

And since when has a stillborn ever "fallen". Perhaps if the sow was standing up during farrowing maybe???

And yes, after 25 years of pig farming in the UK I moved to Australia, where maybe the same rules don't apply, but are not relevant any way as i have never done feedback over here any way!

A mountain out of pigs poo me thinks.(snigger,snigger) ::)



robert waddell

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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #76 on: March 19, 2011, 02:57:37 pm »
what started out as a simple request as to how pig keepers feed there pigs in the BRITTISH WINTER has evolved into worm counts having been done with some surprises  :o then carried on to what is practised in Australia AT PRESENT and what Stevie G HAS DONE in the past 17 years ago. a lot has changed in EUOROPE in that time so is irrelevant today thankfully if that was practised
now STILLBORN is classified as fallen stock again in Europe we can not just dig a hole and bury it ,them or what quantity there is at hand they have to go off farm either collected or taken to the knackerman
the exception to this is if you have an on farm incinerator that is licenced by animal health and in Scotland SEPA(england is the environment agency)
and finally i would not like to meet a 59 year old lorry driver hurtling towards me that has just had 6 hours sleep you will find that European H G V laws has moved on since you were last here as well
take care :wave: :wave: :wave:

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #77 on: March 20, 2011, 12:57:16 am »
what started out as a simple request as to how pig keepers feed there pigs in the BRITTISH WINTER has evolved into worm counts having been done with some surprises  :o then carried on to what is practised in Australia AT PRESENT and what Stevie G HAS DONE in the past 17 years ago. a lot has changed in EUOROPE in that time so is irrelevant today thankfully if that was practised
now STILLBORN is classified as fallen stock again in Europe we can not just dig a hole and bury it ,them or what quantity there is at hand they have to go off farm either collected or taken to the knackerman
the exception to this is if you have an on farm incinerator that is licenced by animal health and in Scotland SEPA(england is the environment agency)
and finally i would not like to meet a 59 year old lorry driver hurtling towards me that has just had 6 hours sleep you will find that European H G V laws has moved on since you were last here as well
take care :wave: :wave: :wave:

And the likes of you have made it a darn sight more difficult than it needed to have been, with an over reaction.

I've read through the welfare legilation available and can not see where it mentions a stilborn as fallen stock. I would like to see it.
Haven't done feedback for years so its irrelevant anyway.

Truck driving laws are the same as in the UK, you can not drive more than 5 years without a break and you can not drive more than 12 hours.
Don't drive long distance anyway and am not 59 so more irrelevant rubbish.(so more Baloney)

The laws over here are slightly different, but not as major as you seem to try to make out, after all what knackerman would be sent out all the way to pick a dead pig up from Alice Springs!

Please do get  real!!!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 01:35:36 pm by Stevie G »

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #78 on: March 20, 2011, 01:02:20 am »
what started out as a simple request as to how pig keepers feed there pigs in the BRITTISH WINTER has evolved into worm counts having been done with some surprises  :o then carried on to what is practised in Australia AT PRESENT and what Stevie G HAS DONE in the past 17 years ago. a lot has changed in EUOROPE in that time so is irrelevant today thankfully if that was practised
now STILLBORN is classified as fallen stock again in Europe we can not just dig a hole and bury it ,them or what quantity there is at hand they have to go off farm either collected or taken to the knackerman
the exception to this is if you have an on farm incinerator that is licenced by animal health and in Scotland SEPA(england is the environment agency)
and finally i would not like to meet a 59 year old lorry driver hurtling towards me that has just had 6 hours sleep you will find that European H G V laws has moved on since you were last here as well
take care :wave: :wave: :wave:

And the likes of you have made it a darn sight more difficult than it needed to have been, with an over reaction.

I've read through the welfare legilation available and can not see where it mentions a stilborn as fallen stock. I would like to see it.
Haven't done feedback for years so its irrelevant anyway.

Truck driving laws are the same as in the UK, you can not drive more than 5 years without a break and you can not drive more than 12 hours.
Don't drive long distance anyway and am not 59 so more irrelevant rubbish.(so more Baloney)

The laws over here are slightly different, but not as major as you seem to try to make out.

And what knackerman would be sent out all the way to pick a dead pig up from Alice Springs! There's got to be some air of common sense.

So please do get real!!! ;)


robert waddell

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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #79 on: March 20, 2011, 08:47:56 am »
stupid man

Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #80 on: March 20, 2011, 09:31:21 am »
For Stevie G:

Article 5 of the Animal By-Products Order 1999 (S.I.
1999 No. 646) requires that fallen stock are disposed
of by:
- despatch to a knackers yard, hunt kennel or similar
- incineration;
- rendering;
- in certain circumstances, burial in such a way that
carnivorous animals cannot gain access to the
carcass, or burning.
This provision applies to the disposal of stillborn
piglets and foetuses, as well as to older pigs

Extracted from: - Safe Secure shopping for all your livestock equipment and supplies.
Also for more larger farm related items


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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #81 on: March 20, 2011, 11:04:38 am »
Stevie and Lillian - back to your corners ready for the next round  ;)

I think SfS has settled the arguement re: fallen stock.
The consencious from the original question is people feed in whatever way suits them, providing herd health is managed efficiently this has no detrimental effect on their welfare (and worm counts ;))

I think it's high time EVERYONE remembered the point of TAS (as a long term poster I feel obliged to say something :-[)
We're here to share information and provide a bit of help and support for other likeminded folk.
We're not here to argue which way is best, or who's right because every situation will be different.
We all have different land (and in different countries with different laws), systems for keeping, level of experience, family & job commitments etc etc etc and ALL of these contribute to what's going to work best for the individual in question, no-one has a 'correct' or difinative answer in terms of how to do it, (only on what is legal/illegal in the country in question) - so can we get back to sharing information, helping people who need advice and not fighting and making everything a personal power struggle about who's the best.

And that goes for the rest of you too ;) ;D ;D ;D

Peace & love from the Happy Hippy :wave:

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #82 on: March 20, 2011, 11:40:31 am »
stupid man

And even duller women.

Whether I am wrong or right I DO NOT and never have feed stillborns back to gilts or sows so your whole argument is flawed, and have NEVER ad vocated feeding stills back to anyone.

This law was passed back in 1999, last time I feed piglets back to sows was in 1994, so this law did not apply.

And I've certainly never advocated anyone in the UK dump carcasses in to a pit, even though it is still done in Australia.
When I was in the UK incineration was our method of disposal, and as for getting the knacker man "not on your knelly".

I will leave it at that and live in hope that this pointless argument does not continue.

robert waddell

  • Guest
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #83 on: March 20, 2011, 12:20:25 pm »
My Dear Stevie G,
you seem to have a little lapse of memory here ;D ;D your post of March 6th clearly states YOU have fed after birth, dead piglets and stillborns back to gilts
In short you have no idea what you have said and appear to live in a world that revolves around king Stevie G. Please remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions. As HH said we are all here to give advice. ;D If contents start to get personal it just becomes a slanging match. Men never can apologise when they know they are wrong ;D ;D :wave: :wave:
Hope this helps xx

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #84 on: March 20, 2011, 01:01:58 pm »
My Dear Stevie G,
you seem to have a little lapse of memory here ;D ;D your post of March 6th clearly states YOU have fed after birth, dead piglets and stillborns back to gilts
In short you have no idea what you have said and appear to live in a world that revolves around king Stevie G. Please remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions. As HH said we are all here to give advice. ;D If contents start to get personal it just becomes a slanging match. Men never can apologise when they know they are wrong ;D ;D :wave: :wave:
Hope this helps xx

And just for the record here feedback in Australia is NOT illegal(look at the Portec Australia wa site and you will see an article there on feedback), so what Blonde has rescently done is not illegal(so are you going to appoligies to her). Hmm I wonder.
And I've checked back and yes I did say it, so from that point I do stand corrected of that I can not deny.

I better leave it at that me thinks. In future it would pay to recap on what I said from the previous late night, before proceeding as that was not what I thought I said.

As I've said before vaccination and not feedbak is my first choice.

As for a slanging match I never try to follow that road.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 01:34:43 pm by Stevie G »

robert waddell

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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #85 on: March 20, 2011, 02:13:04 pm »
thank you Stevie G for your gracious apology :-* :-* :-*
there is nothing i have contributed to this thread that i should apologise for or to anybody :wave:
i will attempt to get this back on course with my next posting   another bit of intrigue here  :wave:


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robert waddell

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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #87 on: March 20, 2011, 03:31:39 pm »
OK back on thread now
attached is photos of a feeding trough i made myself primarily for demonstrating pigs at the shows we attended(just to provide food in acceptable conditions) :-* :-*
it is constructed from discarded water pipe or gas pipe 300mm outside diameter cut in half to what ever lengh you want the end stops are made from 3mm plate with angle iron welded at the corners for legs
now i am not advocating you purloin the pipe the contractors (if you ask them nice) even offering sausages ,always have offcuts or will provide them the hardest part is ripping the pipe into 2 halves  roofing screws attach the ends on  all quite simple and easy to botch together
very robust 25mm thick and easy to clean :wave: :wave:


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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #88 on: March 20, 2011, 04:04:31 pm »
That's pretty much how we make ours too  ;D
Except since I can't weld, we use heavy wood on the ends and extend it out past the pipe a bit to make it harder for them to tip over. And it doesn't matter if there are wee gaps round the edge where they meet cos it lets the rain drain out  ;)

robert waddell

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Re: Feeding - Troughs or rolls on the ground?
« Reply #89 on: March 20, 2011, 05:24:50 pm »
can bruce not weld :wave: :wave:


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