Author Topic: morning all, what are you doing today?  (Read 137113 times)


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2009, 08:38:02 pm »

I was out for the afternoon in Dumfermline (After sitting in the forth road bridge traffic for over an hour !)- seeing a panto at the Carnegie Hall.
Unfortunately I got caught in torrential rain and gales on the way home - should've taken an hour but ended up taking closer to 3!!! Great fun navigating our back roads with 2 stir crazy kids, a frantic granny, tonnes of floods and several BIG branches over the road - thankfully I had my trusty old suberu estate to do it in, just as well it wasn't a newer flashier car because there was no way I was getting out and hauling them and my pregnant butt home on foot ! But I'll be out tomorrow with the chainsaw clearing the roads and adding to my wood pile !

Have fun !

Karen  :pig:


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2009, 10:24:45 pm »
Gosh was it that bad over there - it wasn't so bad here.  I went to the Dam with my wee dogs and it was lovely, then came shopping and when I came out at 5 it was windy and a wee bit wet. A little bit wetter now but that's all.  Just shows what a few miles can do
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2009, 11:19:13 am »
Hi Annie,

The east wasn't too bad, it was when I got to Cumbernauld area that the heavens opened ! South Lanarkshire's lovely and bright today though - but a very hard frost's still hanging on !
Won't stop the chopping though !

Karen   ;D


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2009, 02:36:52 pm »
crikey, no it wasnt as bad as that here, heavy rain and wind at night but the days seem to be ok. Been out today and bought dahlias, and other flowers (seeds) and bulbs which should make a nice cutting area. Also managed to buy some cheap fruit bushes. Bought my first earlies potatos so will start chitting them this eve. Roll on spring!


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2009, 05:14:45 pm »
After all the rain & wind (sorry - GALES!!!) at the weekend I woke up today to
Huge flakes that managed to lie on top of all the water still lying on the ground so now we've got about 4 inches of slush - lovely !
Incidentally, but the time we got the chainsaw and down to where I spotted the fallen tree someone had beaten me to it !
Oh well, I'll just have to be quicker next time !

Karen  ;)


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 03:57:40 pm »
Well I was up at 5.30 this morning to be at work for 7am. ( I do bank cleaning at Turriff Hospital ) It was a freezing morning with black ice on the roads so I took my time as I am not a brave driver. When I came home, after a quick coffee it was out to feed the ponies and clean out the chickens which is not a hard job as we only keep the three. I have been feeling pretty low this last week as i was waiting for results from the hospital and each day felt harder to cope with. I had treatment for breast cancer which finished last April and this morning I got the phone call to say everything was fine. I still have 9 years of check ups to go but I could have danced all round the house. We can now start looking for our weaners, plan to get a few ducks and buy a pollytunnel. So at this moment in time the sun is shinning on my life and I am one very happy person.  :) :) :) :) :) :)


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2009, 04:22:23 pm »
Great News, there will always be at least one lot of fingers or toes crossed for you for you on the TAS forum for the next 9 years!
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2009, 05:46:32 pm »

I just wanted to second Annie's best wishes and send some extra of my own  :-*  :-*  :-*
It's so easy when you're well to worry yourself silly over little things and it's not until you're at one of those ' Oh My God ! ' moments that you realise whatever else is going on your health is the most important thing in your life and although you can control what you put in your body and how you treat it you just can't control things like that.
A wee reminded for everyone using this site (men & woman!) -
Okay, after my wee rant normal service has now resumed and I wish everyone the best in health & happiness  :)
Karen xxx


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2009, 07:30:38 pm »
I started my started new job last week and I have had brain ache each evening I have got home.  It was supposed to be 9am to 3pm, but the company have increased the hours to 5pm.  I really wanted till 3 pm as it would suit me better with my small holding or very large garden which ever you look at it, I have made my planting diary up all ready for the end of March, sad aren't I, but I am itching to get out there now.  I have bought alot of seeds this year and many different ones and I want to grow them now to see what they are like.
Was late finishing tonight, quick jaunt around Tescos to get some milk and lunch bits and washing soda, following Rosemary's bit on being frugal.  Get home around 6pm, empty car of shopping bags, struggle to get indoors as the cat is around my ankles trying to get in as well, fighting 2 dogs off getting through the door as they want feeding. crossing my legs as I want the little girls room and the phone is ringing at the same time.  I know women can multi task, but this was a bit extreme.  Feed the cat and dogs, go to the loo, make a sandwich as I was also hungry, make the log stove to get some heat and hot water, make the fire in the living room, put on outdoor clothes and brave the cold to feed the chickens and lock them away for the night, change out of my office clothes, ring my sister back, turn on computer to check emails and think about what to do for supper as my hubby will be in at 8pm depending on the traffic coming out of Aberdeen as he is a bus driver and now thinking whether to have a G & T or a Bacardi or open a bottle of white as I am coffeed out as I have had the area manager with me all day,  and it is only 7.12pm, plus also check to see what everyone else on here is doing.
Guess what it starts again tomorrow morning at 9am, except I don't have to go to Tesco's tomorrow and my hubby is off so he will sort out the animals etc.  But the great thing is I enjoy my new job, it is busy and varied
and everyone is really nice and we have alot of fun too.  Everyone still moans and complains, but that is the same everywhere.  I work in a nursing home and the residents are a great bunch of people also and their families are too.
I come home with brain ache, but after about 10 minutes it's gone and I know I have left my desk empty or at least ready with tomorrows tasks to do in order of priority.  My garden is the same with planting etc, and the house is too, it's nice to get back into a routine again.  I'm not sure if the Matron realises what has hit the home with someone like me, very organised and everything in a place. a place for everything and a new filing system on the go tomorrow.
But then that is me!!

Always look on the bright side of life, de dum, de dum de dum, de dum!!


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2009, 10:04:44 pm »
Congratulations on your new job, Elaine and Sabrina, positive thoughts for the future.

Recession, what recession!


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2009, 10:41:21 am »
What recession indeed!!! its all hype in the news! Sabrina that is fantastic news.. well done you  ;) ;) Get thos catalogues out and get the polytunnel ordered!! Talking of polytunnels, myself and the kids over the last couple of days have sown sweet peas, broad beans, anthirinums, strawberry seeds and a few other bits and pieces in the polytunnel. We still have salad etc that has been growing in there all winter. The compost they were sown in has frozen overnight, will this be a problem does anyone know? Anyway back to today, heavy frost on the field as I let my exbattery hens out. let out the ponies and collected eggs. quick check in polytunnel and also in rat bait boxes to find some bait gone. (thats good!). Still need to clean out both hen houses, muck out stables. However I have started to move and stack the great pile of logs that we had delivered a week ago and that have sat where they were tipped since.... .... Never mind, a nice cup of tea and I invariably seem to end up back on here looking at what everyone else is doing!!   :chook: :horse: :pig:


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2009, 03:06:23 pm »
The very thought of Spring is exiciting and I am eager to get going, sat last night planning what seeds to buy. I love seeing things I have planted grow. Its a great way of life and we are so lucky to have the land to do it. may be hard work but gives hours of free pleasure.  :)


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2009, 05:52:25 pm »
Younger son off school with high temp so we had a lazy day in front of the fire. Fed animals, did some knitting, built some lego, had some lunch, more lego, read a book, picked up other son from the bus, helped with homework, checked animals.
Fantastic day up here in the Highlands- first for a long time for working outdoors....


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2009, 10:42:24 am »
Went out to polytunnel for an hour with my daughter last night, 3 hours later!!!! I look at my watch in shock.. where does the time go? However lots of sowing done, cleaning up and maddy sorted all our pots and seed trays, joined when it rained by our exbattery hens who thought the polytunnel was a great idea, not sure if tis such a good idea letting them in though!!  :D


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Re: morning all, what are you doing today?
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2009, 11:25:26 am »
its the polytunnel for me this am as well , only about 6 ft to weed though , chooks to be cleaned by linda , garden needs cleaning (after dogs - eeeewww) , cover asparagus crowns with compost , sort out remaining compost bins which have split sides(overfilled in summer!! ::)) and hopefully put on two new window sills :) hope to sit down later with the seed catalogue and choose this years crops ;D
relax and enjoy life - let others do the worrying


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