sounds very similar to the last of ewes to lamb, she was restless all day and at tea time another ewe was lambing right next to her pen, she kept thinking they were her babies so took a long time to birth the first lamb, who was very strong and feed almost constantly, the ewe was very attentive, and did not seem to having a second lamb, so I waited for afterbirth. After an hour she gave a few pushes standing up, but without much conviction, when out popped a back leg, felt for the other leg and pulled out a larger ram lamb who didn't move at all I cleaned his mouth and nose and even tried swinging him, but to no avail, I thought I felt a faint heart beat, but my husband said no, perhaps wishful thinkin on my part

Again lots of what-ifs, and things I should have done, but she is a very experinced ewe and we've never had problems with her before, so thought she was only having 1 lamb, so didn't investigate earlier, guess she was just to wrapped up with the other ewes lambs and then her first 1, it was a sad end to our lambing this year. its not easy but sometimes these things happen, and next time things may work out well and you will feel so pleased to have saved a life