no probs Guy,
everything is ok here so far thanks mate. The car is off the road at the moment so I am having to walk the 2.5 miles to the land to feed the horses. Not really that far I know ...but it is uphill all the way and whatever I do at the land I have to remember I have 2.5 miles to walk back home again....

Still 45 mins there and the same back isn't too bad, the the romans used to walk a league ( 3 miles ) in an hour, so I am not that far off ... But I couldn't do it all day though .....well I could go much further if it was flat....

Walking in the howling wind and pouring rain is a real pain though ...I hate it !!!! On nice days it is lovely walking ( after the lactic acid has gone and the pain with it ....) Some people do not give you enough room to walk though .. I have been up the bloody hedge a few times , trying to miss some pr*tt who doesn't even see me ... I have two of my dogs with me as well , so I make sure everytime I hear a car we get right out of the way . Anyway , waiting for the good weather now , so I can get sowing again.....