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Author Topic: eAML2  (Read 79571 times)

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: eAML2
« Reply #120 on: November 14, 2011, 10:08:07 am »
Mandy you have a valid point     but will they listen to the small scale pig farmer and what is there definition of small scale    did you get the agenda for the BPA agm with you mag ;)       looks like tea and scones and sod all else :farmer:
Robert they probably would ignore one smallholder but if there were enough of them complaining they'd have to do something. The BPA is there to look after smaller breeders the NPA & BPEX look after the commercial boys and the BPA shouldn't be chasing glory with them it should be looking out for us and helping us promote our breeds and pur produce, which by the look of the accounts they do next to nothing for us. Seems they had a nice time in China helping the big boys win £45million of business but that doesn't help the likes of you and me! They put nothing in funding to help promote breeds in 2010.
Got the AGM blurb in with a snotty missive about double tagging pigs ig thats your preferred method of ID, another thing i have to take them to task on is the fact that only tatooed or notched pigs can be shown at BPA shows, This is discrimination against breeders who choose not to treat their pigs batrbarically by tattooing or notching. If they allow tagging as id then they should be allowed to be shown as well and in a court of law i think they'd be found against for discrimantion. We pay our dues just like the rest. Yes the AGM does sound like the usual drivel, thought the breeders meeting afterwards migth be lively!
Mandy  :pig:


  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: eAML2
« Reply #121 on: November 23, 2011, 11:33:19 pm »
So, I have a pending move for my weaners.

I did not enjoy the process...

My feedback:
  • I had to fool the system (by registering a slapmark of 'Yellow spot rump') into accepting a move without a slapmark and with a description of the temporary mark
  • There is a lot of muddle around Site name, Business name and owner, Keeper, Driver, etc.  I couldn't find any combination that resulted in the data on the form being factual so I gave up, answered the given questions to the best of my ability and left the form as it came out.  (For instance, BH is the Business Owner; it's his farm, but I am the owner and keeper of the pigs.  He'll drive when we deliver them.  Business Owner appears as Owner of pigs; the name you registered in the first place (for which I had used the farm name) appears as Keeper and as Driver.)  I expect I will make a better job of this next time...
  • The time I entered in 'estimated duration of journey' lost its first two characters on printing.  So it just says "Intended journey duration: hours" !
  • On printing, the answers come out in really tiny font, much smaller than they need to be.  50-something old eyes can barely read this font in normal lighting and with normal reading glasses on.

Apart from the above, it wasn't too difficult to use the system.  So far.
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing

robert waddell

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Re: eAML2
« Reply #122 on: November 26, 2011, 12:16:33 pm »
for the Scottish pig keepers on this forum    there is going to be an explanation of the rules posted on here from the Scot eid livestock traceability all the questions that oaklands has asked appear not be be relevant to Scotland
when the new system was being implemented Scotland approached England to copy there system     yes that's fine that will be £26000 per year for you to use our template (or what ever it is called)  the canny Scots said no we will set one up ourselves  and they did for less than a grand       i had asked of oaklands why the difference with shutdown period bringing sheep/cattle and goats( 6 days for England and 13 days for Scotland ) the gentleman from Scot eid has answered this   that Scotland can contain a disease outbreak with  a 13 day period while England is at a disadvantage with only a 6 day period


  • Joined Nov 2009
  • East Sussex
    • OaklandsPigs
Re: eAML2
« Reply #123 on: November 26, 2011, 04:14:42 pm »

Very interesting !

The Scots are only collecting the PRIMO info, which is actually the key stuff you need, none of the Welfare of Animals stuff that is the transporter's responsibility, so the system is simple.  The E&W version is much more complicated, and has steps in it that make it in my view more prone to error, adn much harder to work.
"Perfect Pigs" the complete guide to keeping pigs; One Day Pig Courses in South East;
Weaners for sale - Visit our site for details


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Re: eAML2
« Reply #124 on: November 26, 2011, 08:32:50 pm »
so when is scotland's pig movement going electronic?

robert waddell

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Re: eAML2
« Reply #125 on: November 26, 2011, 11:21:31 pm »
now :farmer:


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Re: eAML2
« Reply #126 on: November 27, 2011, 07:08:36 am »


Got the AGM blurb in with a snotty missive about double tagging pigs ig thats your preferred method of ID, another thing i have to take them to task on is the fact that only tatooed or notched pigs can be shown at BPA shows, This is discrimination against breeders who choose not to treat their pigs batrbarically by tattooing or notching. If they allow tagging as id then they should be allowed to be shown as well and in a court of law i think they'd be found against for discrimantion. We pay our dues just like the rest. Yes the AGM does sound like the usual drivel, thought the breeders meeting afterwards migth be lively!
Mandy  :pig:

quick question why do you think tatooing is barbaric ? its quick its easy and the pig is ID'ed for life unlike a tag that can be swapped at will torn out and lost etc.etc.


  • Joined Oct 2011
Re: eAML2
« Reply #127 on: November 27, 2011, 08:31:13 am »
went to use the site to day no records
all information gone asking for me to input all information again
so much for you only after put it in once


  • Joined Nov 2009
  • East Sussex
    • OaklandsPigs
Re: eAML2
« Reply #128 on: November 27, 2011, 08:45:57 am »

Can you clarify, was this a future move you had saved, and the system has lost?
"Perfect Pigs" the complete guide to keeping pigs; One Day Pig Courses in South East;
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  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: eAML2
« Reply #129 on: November 27, 2011, 10:32:18 am »
They say their system needed some updates (I bet it did!  Hope some of them are oaklands' suggestions) and will be down all weekend.

I thought I'd posted about it, they had a note on the site when I set up my move for next week, but looking back I can see I must've failed to press the Post button.  Sorry.  :-[
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined Oct 2011
Re: eAML2
« Reply #130 on: November 27, 2011, 09:53:39 pm »
we sent pig to abattoir just waiting for report back
no details found at all as if i hadn't us site asking for all details again

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: eAML2
« Reply #131 on: November 28, 2011, 10:17:04 am »

quick question why do you think tatooing is barbaric ? its quick its easy and the pig is ID'ed for life unlike a tag that can be swapped at will torn out and lost etc.etc.

The sound of the tatoo pliers crunching the ear turns my stomach, they are not lifelong; i have recently had to apply to have two gilts re-tatooed as they were no longer readable and i have a seven year old boar who is so hairy his tattoo can no longer be found let alone read. It is a messy, stressful process whereas as putting a couple of tags in is akin to ear piercing, short, sharp and if done while they're eating they generally don't even notice, there is little if any blood.
Hope this explains
Mandy  :pig:
ps signed up for electronic AML on Saturday have heard nothing back not even a confirmation e-mail!

robert waddell

  • Guest
Re: eAML2
« Reply #132 on: November 28, 2011, 10:36:31 am »
Mandy when you are there at the agm have a word with bill howes on tattooing his is readable  very readable  you can shine a light at the back of the ear and it should show   that is what we used to do with cattle they were all tattooed i loved it when the inspectors used to pull us up with not having tags   that rebel bit i suppose :D :farmer:


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Cornwall
  • Rarely short of an opinion but I mean well
    • Trelay Cohousing Community
Re: eAML2
« Reply #133 on: November 28, 2011, 07:41:18 pm »
So, I have a pending move for my weaners.

I did not enjoy the process...

My feedback:
  • I had to fool the system (by registering a slapmark of 'Yellow spot rump') into accepting a move without a slapmark and with a description of the temporary mark
  • There is a lot of muddle around Site name, Business name and owner, Keeper, Driver, etc.  I couldn't find any combination that resulted in the data on the form being factual so I gave up, answered the given questions to the best of my ability and left the form as it came out.  (For instance, BH is the Business Owner; it's his farm, but I am the owner and keeper of the pigs.  He'll drive when we deliver them.  Business Owner appears as Owner of pigs; the name you registered in the first place (for which I had used the farm name) appears as Keeper and as Driver.)  I expect I will make a better job of this next time...
  • The time I entered in 'estimated duration of journey' lost its first two characters on printing.  So it just says "Intended journey duration: hours" !
  • On printing, the answers come out in really tiny font, much smaller than they need to be.  50-something old eyes can barely read this font in normal lighting and with normal reading glasses on.

Apart from the above, it wasn't too difficult to use the system.  So far.

Well, we did the move today.

  • it was very unclear what to advise the recipient to do; I hope he does it ok!
  • I figured I'd better get his signature to say he'd received the pigs in good condition; eventually found a thingy that looked like where I'd get him to sign and got that and tore it off.  No idea really if that was right.  (And I had looked up on Defra's site this morning what I was going to have to do today...  Followed links around like someone in a maze... Couldn't really find anything useful at all.)
  • have now got back home and tried to confirm the move from my end.  Very unclear how to do this.  I had to click on a link to the destination farm, which I had registered, so now I am not sure if they have that holding under me... And then I had to 'give feedback' when I was expecting to 'Confirm your movement'.  Where do they find these people? ::)
[li]So I felt unsure I'd done it right and tried to look at the movement to check - it says I have 0 Sent 0 Pending 0 0 0 - where has it gone?  ???

Not happy.   My gruntle has been excised.  >:(
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 10:02:38 pm by SallyintNorth »
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined May 2011
  • Hampshire, near Portsmouth
Re: eAML2
« Reply #134 on: December 08, 2011, 11:11:50 am »
After reading all these depressing posts about the problems everyone is having, I submitted a movement for tomorrow (2 pigs farm to slaughter) and the whole thing went through in minutes, without any hiccups - to my amazement.  But just in case something goes wrong and they don't send all the details through to the abbatoir, I will take a paper AML2 and FCI form with me as well.   Tamsaddle


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