Hi Sellickbhoy,
Okay, here goes, apologies in advance for the length of this post :
Good for birds -
Berried plants (obviously) and climbing ivies (provide berries and hidden net areas) honeysuckle (good for beasties too) and sunflowers (grow from seed) - I'm sure there are MANY more. Nest boxes placed around the garden should encourage them in too.
Good for butterflies & Beasties -
(in order of flowering)
Polyanthus, Aubretia, Wallflower, Cuckoo flower *(native wild flower), Honesty, Sweet rocket, Bugle*, Ragged robin*, Sweet William, Corn Marigold*, Sainfoin*, Lavender, Phlox, Marjoram*, Globe thistle, Fleabane*, Helichrysum, Verbena, Buddleia, Dahlia, Michaelmas daisy. (Just to get you started lol!) And nettles, my major enemy, but REALLY good so I always leave a wee patch hidden out of sight.
Specifics for bees - Borage, foxglove, globe thistle, Knapweed, Lungwort, Marjoram, Poppies (especially the opium poppy

) Red clover, Sage & Teasle
General year round colour - the list for this could be endless !!! It's really a case of what you like, but a few suggestions (bulbs, tubers and corms especially for easy maintenance)-
Spring - Daffodills, narcissus, snow drops, crocus, tulips. All bulbs that will sprout year after year without needing much attention and come in various sizes from dwarf to some really quite tall daff's & tulips.
Summer - Lillies, Fritillaria's, allium, iris, dahlia, gladioli, tulip, cyclamen (again bulbs, and a range of different heights available)
Autumn - Amaryllis (bulb), African daisy(seed), Borage(seed), Autumn crocus (bulb) Cosmos (tubers) - I have these and can really vouch for them - beautiful to look at and the beasties love them. Cyclamen (tubers)
I'm going to stop there as my fingers are getting numb - I dare say your head is pickled with all that info

Here's some shopping links
http://www.bulbs4u.co.uk/http://www.thompson-morgan.com/plants1http://www.reallywildflowers.co.uk/Good luck and post some piccies to show us how good it looks once done !