Hi - I chair Scottish Orchards (I also do
www.scottishfruittrees.com) and we are keen to develop fruit growing and best practice across Scotland
We gave evidence at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday - 13th Dec arguing for school and community orchards.
See the BBC online video at
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scottish-Orchards/144432738915049Also at
www.scottishorchards.com Scottish Orchards is particularly keen that we try and push the case for school orchards
www.fruitfulschools,com so young people across Scotland can get experience of growing, harvesting and enjoying their own harvest
This shows the role that Scottish Orchards should have - to give a voice to fruit growing and community orchards across Scotland
If you'd like to support the petition - or have ideas hw to create a Fruitful Scotland mail
[email protected]