Author Topic: Goji berries  (Read 40010 times)


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 06:30:32 pm »
sorry for the spelling, I keep leaving stuff out, anyway, they sound great.


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2009, 07:07:11 pm »

no probs with speelong Sandy !!!! ::) , yes they do sound good !!!
        Yep they did have them at tesco's NFD , Just put in my order and got a bag of dried berries 100g for £1.99 also got a 100g bag of dried cranberries for £1. I will see if it works with them too (going to use some anyway !!)




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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2009, 08:40:33 pm »
wish I read that before I went to Morrisons, no Gogi berries brother told me about a plant that takes away your appetite, it grew where I used to live, Woodhouse Eaves on the edge of Bradgate Park Leicestershire...I could do with a bit/lot of that plant as well...I l ove is my Chinese... :pig:


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2009, 09:15:34 pm »
I bought some Goji berries and Cranberries today, so if anyone wants to have a go at growing them let me know, I can post out as well as local. Will take some to CSSA meeting next Wednesday.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2009, 06:35:00 am »
Hi Sandy,

Just by some weird coincidence I bought dried Goji berries in Morrisons in Stirling last week.  They are in the baking isle opposite the bread flour.
x x Gill
wish I read that before I went to Morrisons, no Gogi berries brother told me about a plant that takes away your appetite, it grew where I used to live, Woodhouse Eaves on the edge of Bradgate Park Leicestershire...I could do with a bit/lot of that plant as well...I l ove is my Chinese... :pig:


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2009, 09:39:24 am »
Well, :o some things are hard to find in Supermarkets, I once tried the diet that was on Breakfast television, I downloaded some meal plans and they all had stuff that had me roaming around the supermarkets...I never thought of the bakery Isle.....Thanks...I was looking in the fruit and nuts, found cranberries....I will do my main shop and get some. We should all turn out to be super healthy soon!!

carole h

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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2009, 05:46:24 pm »
You may have started a run on gogi berries!! I think I will look for some plants, too - worth a go!


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2009, 05:51:03 pm »
I'm just going to soak some and try planting them.  Mind you I wasn't terribly impressed with the taste of them dried.  Might be better plumped up like raisins
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2009, 06:07:40 pm »
   Annie,    I think I read that there was a chemical in the soft pulp of the fruit, that stopped the seed from germinating . somewhat like tomatoes. You scoop out all the seeds and then ferment the pulp/seeds and seperate the seeds from it , then dry the seed and then sow. I think it takes very much longer otherwise . You have to wait for the fruit to decompose and disappear , before the seed will germinate. It cuts the proccess down from many months to a few days. As for taste , I don't like any dried fruit as is ...I always have to soak it or use it in cooking ie cakes etc. My all time fafourite is Barra brith:

10 oz mixed fruit
2/3 pint hot tea
3 oz soft brown sugar
Grated rind of 1 lemon
12 oz self-raising whole meal flour
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 large egg

 Soak the mixed fruit in the hot tea, cover and leave to stand overnight. Next day set oven to 350F or Mark4, and grease and line a 2lb loaf tin. Strain the fruit and reserve the liquid. Mix together the fruit with the other ingredients in a bowl, adding the reserved liquid a little at a time until a soft dropping consistency is achieved. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 45 - 55 minutes until risen and firm to the touch. Cool and serve sliced and buttered.

 MMMMmmmm lovely ....I can taste it now.....




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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2009, 09:34:16 pm »
Yes, that's right, Russ.  I googled it.  You soak the dried fruit, then squeeze out the seeds and soft stuff, leave to dry on kitchen paper, then the seeds shake off easily and can be planted.  Off to have a cuppa now anyway so will go and soak some gojis :-)  will let everyone know what happens in a day or so.  Might try that recipe sometime - not tonight as I'm off to a working seminar tomorrow so need an early night so I can concentrate on what I'm being told about how to read my dog and to use the wind. etc
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2009, 12:21:43 pm »
While doing a bit more research I found this
Make sure the ones you buy are certified disease free - for the sake of your poor veggie plot  :o  ;)


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2009, 12:58:05 pm »
good one HH,
            always worth getting as much information as possible . I did notice ,however, that nowhere in the article did they mention an actual specific disease !!! just that it was a member of the same family etc, and COULD spread disease ???.....It then went on to say about the 90,000 plants that are in this country already, from outside the EU !!!! There-in lies the rub !!!! Only EU plants are certified ( or should that read taxable via import duty?). We import food from all over the world here in the UK , but only prohibited Goji plants are liable to spread disease?????? No disease can be spread via food such as bananas, potatoes , grain ,fruit, and even HUMANS ???? perhaps they should should tighten up the laws in other areas first ? It really does sound like  a scare ploy to make  sure only taxable plants from the EU are bought ?  One way to make sure either way .... grow from seed..... (Some days I am an  even  grumpier old man than others...... ::) ;D)
 Still , worth reading and watching where you buy plants from , but I do doubt the real integrity of the information at source of origin .



carole h

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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2009, 07:07:22 pm »
Think you've got a point there Rusty - it does make you wonder about "hidden agendas" ...


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2009, 07:19:03 pm »
It clicked with me years ago that we are told what the government want us to know and also pursuaded to be certain citizans  I.e buy the latest stuff, have all the mod cons etc, if you do not live like this, especialy if yo have a family, you are seen as strange. My family has always been what they want to be, i am not for bending and often look at the scarmungering on the news, after all, the media create loads of aware!!!! we may be brainwashed but not me


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Re: Goji berries
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2009, 07:33:08 pm »
I know it's a bit off from Goji berries, but I just read an article about the smallholding mum who lost her 15-year old daughter to rape and murder in India last year. I can't believe how the cheapo newspapers and with them mainstream society judges people because they live a life outside the norm (9-5 2 working parents  with a childminder and lots of spending power). If this girl had a different background, there would have been some considerate pressure on the Indian authorities, I bet.
Back to the Goji berries - it was never clear to me what the unnamed disease would be...I understood that it might affect other plants from the same family, like potatoes and tomatoes. Maybe some kind of blight?


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