good one HH,
always worth getting as much information as possible . I did notice ,however, that nowhere in the article did they mention an actual specific disease !!! just that it was a member of the same family etc, and COULD spread disease

.....It then went on to say about the 90,000 plants that are in this country already, from outside the EU !!!! There-in lies the rub !!!! Only EU plants are certified ( or should that read taxable via import duty?). We import food from all over the world here in the UK , but only prohibited Goji plants are liable to spread disease?

?? No disease can be spread via food such as bananas, potatoes , grain ,fruit, and even HUMANS

? perhaps they should should tighten up the laws in other areas first ? It really does sound like a scare ploy to make sure only taxable plants from the EU are bought ? One way to make sure either way .... grow from seed..... (Some days I am an even grumpier old man than others......

Still , worth reading and watching where you buy plants from , but I do doubt the real integrity of the information at source of origin .