Lambs born early are always an uphill battle. Even those of us that are experienced often lose them. You said that it's mate was still born? was it toxoplasmosis infection? This can often weaken the living lamb hugely. Also if the other lamb died in the womb then that can seriously affect the viabilty of the remaining lamb. Chalk it up to experience. You did the very best you could and now you know a few tips to help the next time, because there will be a next time with sheep!
I mentioned tickling the lambs tail and rump, you don't need to have the ewe tipped to make that work. Hold the ewe against a wall or the side of the pen with your knee in front of it shoulder. ease the lamb round onto the teat (still holding the ewe) once you get the lamb onto the teat if you tickle it's tail in will stimulate the suckle response.
You will now know as well that to do these things you need to to be 7' 8", bulit like a bull and have 5 hands and 17 thumbs!
Chin up, you have all the rest to look after, and look forward too!