Just saying a quick hello from summery Australia!
I grew up on a small country block (just under two acres) in central Victoria, and am currently house-, dog-, cat- and chook (hen)-sitting for my parents whilst they're in (most of) your part of the world! I'm currently looking after some Isa Browns, Australorps, a Buff Orpington and an Araucana (not sure if all of those chook breeds exist outside of Australia...), as well as a half-acre vegie garden and a few fruit trees. I've also just cured my very first streaky bacon/pork belly, but I had to buy the pork - from a very reputable butcher - as I don't have pigs of my own! I have plans (or dreams, really), of starting up my own smallholding with some rare-breed pigs and maybe some beef cattle too, and definitely a house cow.
A very quick question (and I'll post in the relevant forum too, don't worry): we're at the height of our summer over here, and I have a huge glut of zucchinis (courgettes) and am about to have many, many nectarines... does anyone have handy recipes for zucchinis or white nectarines? I've made huge quantities of zucchini and basil soup, zucchini quiche, zucchini tempura, zucchini/vegie lasagne, and I'm running out of ideas!
Enjoy your cold weather - I miss winter!!