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Author Topic: Nature red in...... Update  (Read 12088 times)


  • Joined Sep 2011
  • West Yorks
Re: Nature red in...... Update
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2012, 01:18:36 am »
Thats sad reading, it's been a horrible year for youngsters esp.
There are some fledglings in our barn, I think they are robins, saw one in there a couple of times, now there are squeakings all up around the roof while I'm milking, thought the mice were in the insulation till I found a baby bird on the floor, put it on top of some shelves, it was gone later. 'mum' must have discovered it was dry in there :) . never seen a robin in there before.
Lots of broken pheasant eggs till we trapped about 10 crows, seems to have given the pheasants a chance, but I could hear desperate callings in the grass after heavy rain. Hope they survived.
Havn't seen the dunnocks this year, they used to wait for the hen hut opening for their breakfast.


  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: Nature red in...... Update
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2012, 02:00:51 pm »
Its been a hard summer for our swallows, cold and wet and so far I think most of the pairs have only reared one brood each. Not any sitting now and they will be gone in about 3 weeks.  :(

robert waddell

  • Guest
Re: Nature red in...... Update
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2012, 02:11:02 pm »
our swallows must be bucking the weather    at another farm in June the swallows all died in the nests       but ours appear to have had a very good year      there are nests all over the buildings      although there were around 25 congregating at the end of the shed    yesterday was the best day of the summer so far  don't know if that was them mustering up before departing :farmer:


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • Aberdeenshire
Re: Nature red in...... Update
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2012, 03:47:51 pm »
55 swallows (young and adults) on our phone wires yesterday :thumbsup: , and hundreds of baby pied wagtails, starlings and crows and buzzard-ettes.
The swallows still have newly hatched babies too, sadly one fell out of nest yesterday and stable cat got it but at least the rest arent reachable by them.
Lots and lots of yellowhammers and pipits (meadow and tree) too.


  • Joined Jul 2008
Re: Nature red in...... Update
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2012, 07:29:37 pm »
How lovely to see so many.  We put up 3 wooden stables last year and I am thrilled :excited: that a pair of swallows made a nest in there  this Spring.  Hatched 4 chicks but one was turfed out of the nest.  3 are now flying around during the day and go back each night.  I could watch them for hours.
Sadly the stable cat found a wren's nest in the ivy  .Our plumber told me the cat spent a morning taking all the fledglings from the nest one by one - why on earth did he not chase her off >:( or at least tell me earlier   ???


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