Prices for good quality fleece tend to be higher in the US than in Britain, but there seems to be more choice so your product needs to be good. Have a look at online fleece sales to see what the going rate is, or pop along to one of the many fleece and fibre festivals.
Brucklay - £5 is the minimum anyone should accept for a fleece intended for craft work - less than that and it's such poor quality as not to be worth selling. A good quality run of the mill fleece would sell for about £10 and a perfect sooper-dooper fleece could sell for as much as £40 (but there are not many of those around

). The British Wool Marketing Board of course pays far less than that, just a few pence before collection, but they buy the whole clip, not just selected top quality fleeces.
My maths tells me that at $1.50 per pound, with a roughly 1:1 exchange rate, would be £3 per kg, so £6 for an average 2kg fleece. Or have I got my exchange rate from pre financial implosion?

AllenFrost, I would say your price is fair enough for a first time sale, before you know more about what potential buyers are looking for.