Fleecewife, some of my Shetland lambs have very tight curls over their neck and shoulders and some have quite silky fleeces, with just waves. The different between African curly hair and European wavy hair I'd say
So - should I be keeping the curlies?
There was some discussion of this on the Shetland Online group recently and opinions were split as to whether birth fleeces are a true indicator of the adult fleece. So from that point of view you are best not to make any decision until the lambs are older. I have found that what seems a wonderfully fine and crimpy fleece at first shearing has metamorphosed into a horrible brillo pad by the second shear

. Some people would only keep the fine crimpy lambs, whereas others said that the silkier ones had turned into perfectly good adult fleeces.
Then there is the question of why you are keeping your Shetlands. If you want to breed topclass show winners then your criteria for lamb selection will send you one way, but if you just want some interesting and varied fleeces for spinning then you might want to select slightly different fleeces ie a wider range of types.