Who was it said that the mark of a good guard dog was to lie where a burglar would trip over him, thereby waking the household 

I had two large dogs once, seemed to be good guard dogs. Slept in the bedroom. One day, I'd picked up my new car and then worked late, returning home after midnight. Everyone else was a-bed, including the dogs.
They didn't recognise the car, so they got up and stood at the top of the stairs, barking. Good dogs.
I turned the key and opened the door.
I swear, those two hard nuts were arguing, poised for
retreat, at the top of the stairs :
"It is a ****ing burglar, it really is!"
"You go"
you go"
you go"
"Wimps! " I called out. Which is when I saw a big black labbish thing and a hairy GSD cross thing look like two big (one black one black-and-tan)