Smallholders Insurance from Greenlands

Author Topic: Also in marketplace. Shetland exercise trap for sale.  (Read 2867 times)


  • Joined Sep 2010
  • Mid Wales
Also in marketplace. Shetland exercise trap for sale.
« on: July 05, 2012, 12:03:34 pm »
I didn't know if I could post here as well. Sorry if I've broken any rules. My dad has a shetland pony exercise trap for sale. It's only been used once and then stored in a shed. Suitable for shetlands and small ponies. It's £200 and located in south shropshire near Bishops Castle. Please email me for more info.
Silly Spangled Appenzellers, Dutch bantams, Lavender Araucanas, a turkey called Alistair, Muscovy ducks and Jimmy the Fell pony. No pig left in the freezer, we ate him all!


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