Author Topic: What's everyone up to today?  (Read 117468 times)

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #240 on: September 29, 2012, 10:12:44 pm »
Had a friend visit for lunch then we took the dogs for a lovely walk in the sunshine.  Couldn't walk far but I so enjoyed it.  So did the dogs.


  • Joined Feb 2012
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #241 on: September 30, 2012, 07:56:35 am »
No bath, sink or toilet cistern in the bathroom. OH skimmed two walls yesterday, other two to skim today. Then paint a sealant on and go for tiles. Hmmmm. :thinking: not sure which ones now, too much choice  :innocent:


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #242 on: September 30, 2012, 08:06:35 am »
Off to Llandovery sheep festival today where I am going to be spinning  :knit: (no spinning icon  :( )
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Nov 2011
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #243 on: September 30, 2012, 08:30:10 am »
Spent the morning at a massive livestock and general market that is held only on the 29th of each month ( In France). As we searched the many rows of poultry we heard someone shout frantically  "Stop it Stop it"  .
Amongst the many many cages of birds was a scottish woman  trying to stop a chicken pecking another. The reaction of desbelief amongst the French was great !
We bought 3 grey laying chickens described as " Limousin".
Spent the afternoon repairing a hole in the barn with large blocks of stone and ended it with a neighbour who turned up with a quarter of venison for us. The hunting season has started!
Gifts and crafts made by us.


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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #244 on: September 30, 2012, 09:00:44 am »
Going to collect straw today    went for corn for birds yesterday straight off farm..... has gone up a pound a sack from last year :o  is still much better value than the merchants tho
Freezing the glut of brocolli that's ready in the poly   bake a nice cake for youngest sons birthday tomorrow and nurse the hangovers the houseful of young men i have here after celebrating his birthday last night will doubtless have...bless 'em :sunshine:
Would have loved to have gone to the smallholder show but circumstance here is a liitle prohibitive at the moment   hope everyone that does go has a great day :sunshine:


  • Joined Apr 2013
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #245 on: September 30, 2012, 09:16:22 am »
Having a visit from a lady who buys our soap...all the way from Wales. She's coming to meet the goats   :)
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


  • Joined May 2010
  • nr Lauder, Scottish Borders
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #246 on: September 30, 2012, 01:35:48 pm »
not going to TAS show - been on antibiotics since Tuesday and they are just beginning to work - lack of sleep all week and was due to be going to the smallholder festival today with ducks and geese but couldn't face it.  Really disappointed.  Now thinking of all the fun without me.  :unwell:
registered soay, castlemilk moorit  and north ronaldsay sheep, pygmy goats, steinbacher geese, muscovy ducks, various hens, lots of visiting mallards, a naughty border collie, a puss and a couple of guinea pigs


  • Joined Aug 2009
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #247 on: September 30, 2012, 04:18:15 pm »
we also found a hammer touching a live wire embedded in the kitchen chimney stack when we raised the lintle to get a range fitted. Daft thing was there was chestnut hair in the brickwork too, loads of it, which I didn't know was commonly used years back in building and I assumed it was a murder weapon. Luckily the plumber caught me ringing the police in tears and panicking and told me  ::)   I stick to making soap nowadays.
:roflanim: :roflanim:
So funny Plums.  We found chestnut horsehair in our old plaster after scraping off about ten layers of paper!  Whilst doing prep for rewiring the farmhouse we found a plastic drinking straw used as insulation around bare wires.  Eeek! - main switch off straight away.  Found all sorts of 'interesting' DIY repairs when we started, including wiring on the outside of the house wall to link sockets on the inside.  Its all rewired now though and signed off so we are safe.  :relief:
Doing that swan thing - cool and calm on the surface but paddling like crazy beneath.


  • Joined Feb 2012
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #248 on: September 30, 2012, 04:41:36 pm »
Just got back from the show - brilliant! Was a bit disappointed that I seemed to be the only one wearing the TAS badge, so didn't get to meet any of all you lovely people.

Daisys Mum

  • Joined May 2009
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #249 on: September 30, 2012, 08:00:20 pm »
not going to TAS show - been on antibiotics since Tuesday and they are just beginning to work - lack of sleep all week and was due to be going to the smallholder festival today with ducks and geese but couldn't face it.  Really disappointed.  Now thinking of all the fun without me.  :unwell:
Hope you are feeling better now.
 I would have loved to have gone to the show too but the family moved back home yesterday after being with me for 6 months so spent most of the day washing and cleaning, although it was lovely having them here it is lovely to have my house back.
Loaded 2 lambs up ready to go to the abattoir in the morning. Mmmm lamb for the freezer :sheep:

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #250 on: September 30, 2012, 09:40:48 pm »
Went to Harvest Festival at church this afternoon, followed by a shared tea.  Everyone always brings far too much food, so I came home with enough sandwiches, sausage rolls, etc for OH's next two or three lunches.   :D   Also had a bag of bread crusts and garnish for the  :goat: :goat: :goat:  and some spare gluten free stuff for me.


  • Joined Feb 2012
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #251 on: September 30, 2012, 10:11:23 pm »
not going to TAS show - been on antibiotics since Tuesday and they are just beginning to work - lack of sleep all week and was due to be going to the smallholder festival today with ducks and geese but couldn't face it.  Really disappointed.  Now thinking of all the fun without me.  :unwell:
:bouquet: hope you are feeling better soon.

I've popped in and out of TAS to see any chat of the ss & gf, but nothing much yet. Just wished we could have been there. Never mind. Hopefully next year  :fc:

OH finished plastering emptied bathroom ( bath, loo cistern and sink in dining room  ;D )
Took me twice as long to clean up afterwards  ::)
Then over to parents for shower, before trying to catch up on needy housework.  we really need cleaned, ironed uniforms  for this week  :-\
Also managed to  fit in kids homework, much to their disappointment  :D


  • Joined May 2010
  • nr Lauder, Scottish Borders
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #252 on: October 01, 2012, 10:33:25 am »
Thanks Daisy's Mum and Mamma, I've got an infection in my face of all things, right down one side, it's feeling a bit better today though but has been agony, have another appointment on Thursday so hopefully will be ok by then.  A bit odd though  :tired:
registered soay, castlemilk moorit  and north ronaldsay sheep, pygmy goats, steinbacher geese, muscovy ducks, various hens, lots of visiting mallards, a naughty border collie, a puss and a couple of guinea pigs

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #253 on: October 02, 2012, 11:21:22 am »
Absolutely glorious :sunshine:  so after work this afternoon i'm going to decimate whats left of the veg garden to the compost heap, we have some huge dead pumpkin foilage that needs dragging to it and since its such a nice day  :idea: i'll have a bonfire too.  :excited:  have to be careful what i put on it today last time the smoke was a bit black  :innocent: and next door rang OH at work to see if i had set farm on fire!
Mandy :pig:


  • Joined Apr 2013
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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #254 on: October 02, 2012, 11:26:58 am »
Been up most of the night with a 5 year old kicking me in the back due to terrors about the world ending (I can't complain though, I felt incredibly grateful to wake up and see my 5 year old sleeping starfish shaped in the bed bearing in mind what that little girl and her family in wales are goign through  :'( )
Today, I am making lip balm, boxing up orders, enjoying an extra hour peace while 3 of the girls are at gymnastics and then more soap...
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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