Really any method that ensures a quick and sure kill is acceptable. I used to take a chicken from it's perch at night and break it's neck before it realised it had been picked up and this is fine if you have strong hands. Now that I can't trust my hands to do it properly I asked DEFRA for the best alternative option. They sent me a booklet on the different methods of slaughter and I found the stunner the most acceptable to me. I got my Cert. of Comp. so that I could do other peoples birds and(hopefully) get back a bit that has been paid out.
I can't see why anyone should stalk out in a huff over this discussion (no wonder new folk are wary?) so come back, kiss and make up, or shake hands if you're that way inclined
and let's all have our opinions without all these shenanigans(
Rosemary and DITW can kiss and make up, I hope.
Also, it has been proven that a chicken put upside down for no more than a minute or so is calmed ( a bit like carrying a piglet upside down is calmed) so, a minute in a cone may be beneficial?
Posted with love, Sylvia XXXXX