The KC can only rely on individual people's integrity. I could, for example breed all my whippet and pug bitches twice a year, registering just one litter per bitch. Unregistered pups , especially whippets and pugs sell for about the same money as registered.
The fact that I only breed a litter,maybe every three years is not because I want to make money but to breed(hopefully) some nice pups to go in the ring and have a bit of fun with. But, who is to police dog breeding? The KC do all they can but they can't stop human greed.
And, what about the
mongrels that are sold for ridiculous money, call them what you will, cockapoos, jugs, sharpugs
etc., they are mongrels. (Truly, I had someone asking if I had a "little boy" pug to use on her shar-pei
So, I'm afraid that as long as folk have £ signs in their eyes instead of the welfare of our dogs there will be a long list of unwanted dogs .
By the way, anyone in South Devon wanting a Choc. Lab bitch, 3 years old (marriage break up
or a cocker spaniel x2 also 3 years old (ditto