Thank you for all the posts- I've been away for a few days.
I'm delighted to read that the pigs are too young to go as my instinct was just that- they need more time to mature. Talk about a learning curve! They're good fun though and, like many others' pigs of those on the forum, they are getting lots of fruit and veg rejects from the greengrocer which they seem to love. Our local abattoir doesn't like taking small consignments of animals over July and August as they're so busy so I'll plan to book them in for early September, at eight months old.
As to the field renting- well, we're really lucky as our house is converted from a couple of farmworker's cottages and we are surrounded by the fields of the farmer from whom we rent one field. They are great friends so it works very well. The rent was based on the average income from the crops from the field in the preceding few years and we pay for any fertiliser when required etc, and are responsible for keeping it well. At the moment only the horse and a couple of ponies are on it but the lambs (all two of them- as if that'll keep the grass down!) will go on once they're big enough to be safe from foxes etc. And I hope to acquire a few more sheep as, since we're keeping these two ewe lambs, we might as well have a few more and make the work worthwhile, and then we can breed from them next year as another neighbour has a very docile Jacob ram.
I have found this site really useful, though it took a while to pluck up courage to post as I really am a newbie to all this. I still have four table birds as the freezer is full...they're all girls so perhaps they'll lay a few eggs and can join my other three ageing layers.