Right,I've had enough of this b****x.
If you are raising your pigs for your own consumption,and I'm guessing because you "new to all this",then veg peelings from your own kitchen is fine,just make sure they haven't come into contact with any meat (raw or cooked). I boil up the veg peelings and add in to their normal feed. As it's just me here generally,there's no point me trying to work how much less normal food they get,it's a treat.
If you are raising your pigs to sell the meat on a commercial basis,then yes,adhere to Defra guidlines.
Keeping pigs requires a certain level of common sense,just like keeping every other animal/pet.If you've got children that are still living and breathing,then I'm sure you'll be fine!
This is just another reason why I moved to France,none of the bulls*** and regulations in the ever declining Uk.......Ree