Mine was playing up, so I've just rebuilt it using Weebly (still working on it, should you take a look, so please bear that in mind! It's
www.lizshankland.com ).
As Sudanpan says, very easy to use (knocked mine together in about 24hrs, but I did have all the content ready) once you get the hang of it, but I found it a bit restrictive. Maybe there are other things I still have to learn about it. The free version only gives you six pages, but that's plenty.
The site builder is free, but my hosting for that one is with JustHost. I have another one hosted by GoDaddy, and I'll be switching hosting of the first one to them soon, because it works out cheaper.
The main thing, if you're starting from scratch, is to plan out exactly what you want the site to say, what each page will be about, etc.