Yep..all systems go over here ladies. Im having the same breakfast Ive had for the last 3 days, scrambled egg (made in the microwave with just a drop of milk) with ryvitas with marmite on. Its a lush breakfast and keeps me going till lunchtime. Ill have some soup then, followed by fruit and a yoghurt. I havent worked out tonight's tea yet, but a low fat spag bol is well on the cards as its a bloomin cold day. However, it could equally be roast lamb with lots of veggies..such choices.
I cant even drop sugar from my drinks, or milk as I only drink black coffee and havent taken sugar in drinks for years.
Im going to be calling my old school friend this morning, Im back in touch with her after a few years. Now she certainly doesnt look her age, and even after 4 children she is a slim as ever and still stunning. I certainly want to lose this blubber before I see her in the flesh.