Hi all,
I'm considering buying in a Balwen Ram and three Ewes to breed mainly for meat to sell through our Farm Shop; the ram would be registered, but the ewes need not be (can always buy in a registered ewe if needed at a later date). I have no experience of this breed, but research suggests they are similar in size to a Southdown and just as tasty, but breed easier and more prolifically. Any advice/comments would be very welcome.
I already have a pure blood Shropshire ram, which I run with a couple of Texel ewes and this years ram lamb which I intend using on a couple of Southdown X's - I will sell the Shropshire ram in favour of using the Balwen ram on all the ewes in the future and the ram lamb will go to slaughter once he has performed his duty on the Southdowns. Hopefully, I should end up with a single Balwen ram and a flock of seven ewes (3 Balwen, 2 Texel and 2 Southdown).
Any advice/comments?
Regards, Farmer