I understand, Beewhyched, that you keep Kune Kunes?
Every time they are mentioned by anyone, I don't go raking up stories of when people have bought them and haven't known how to keep them or not realised how big they'll grow, or that they'd dig up their garden. It's happened with KKs and Vietnamese pot bellied as well, but it doesn't give me the right to assume that everyone who keeps them is a complete numpty.
So similarly, what exactly have the unsuitable people who buy micropigs got to do with me or anyone else on this forum?
I, in all sincerity answered a post by Cuckoo. She has bought animals off me before as she lives very near.
I have NOWHERE mentioned teapot pigs, house pigs, pet pigs, or any other unsuitable role for pigs. You have seen the advice I have given people in the past as you have commented and agreed with me. So, if you've got a thing about unsuitable selling of pigs,then take it up with the people concerned and stop this witch hunt of genuine smallholders who ACTUALLY know how to look after pigs and ACTUALLY like small ones. And if you are fed up of micro pigs being discussed, then I suggest you take a deep breath and move on and leave the subject to people who actually enjoy and keep them.