He's actually my daughters pet but its just not working out and after a few months of trying everything to keep him confined to his fields, we've had to give up as my health is suffering. He is uprooting fences (proper, newly planted post and rail, heavy duty fencing) and doesn't feel the ping from the electric fences - the others scream and respect the fence and its like he is immune to it. On the tester it is registering full whack so I know its strong!
I've fished him out of the neighbours gardens too many times, i've nearly had my foot severed with a lead rope burn. My other goats are so well behaved and I've had them from kids too so I don't know where this has come from! he's massive, strong, deliberately naughty (i have hnever thought I'd say that about livestock but he knows what he's doing!!) and the health and wellbeing of my family and I have to come first. If he escapes onto the road and causes an accident....??
rather than risk a 'pet' home where I won't know how well he's cared for (and as a wether that is the best he's going to find -= a 'pet' home as companion etc) I need to do what's right.
As he's milli's pet and because the plan was to keep him, we won't have his meat back but will probably have some from another goat as a friend is taking him for me.
Very sad its come to this but better I plan his end than that he accidentally ends up in the wrong hands and has an end that I wouldn't have wanted for him in a million years.
gosh, what an essay! sorry folks!
I am sure now that anything born with the intention of going int he freezer would be raised and slaughtered as such and we could eat it. just not this particular one