I didn't have any tomatoes this year, but hoping my crop next year will be ok.
My carrotts were cr*p, didn't even get 1 !
The tatties were ok (grown in old compost bags) got about 1Kg per seed tattie (but only planted 4 due to lack of space!) no signs of blight on them either (maybe the bags stopped too much water getting into them?)
My onions, shallots & garlic are going great & nearing harvest. Peas were a little dissapointing, turnips good (but a few split, perhaps the rain?) My beetroot, spring onions and leeks are looking good, but my very promising row of mixed salad seedlings were descimated in one night by the slugs ! Grrrrr
Also very poor results from the strawberries (2nd year) but they did put out loads of runners, so I've got plenty more for next year