Hi everyone very new to all this and looking for help and advice on raising my own meat rabbits.
Reason: my dogs eat raw and I just cannot locate a reliable source of rabbit meat for less the £5 each. I'm also happy to eat the meat myself.
I'm thinking: two new Zealand white doe's and one California buck so kits will be cross bred (help with genetics and health). Buck will have his own hutch and run with doe's out of site (I'll be bringing doe to buck for mating) and doe's will be hutched together until mated then separated until kits are weaned. Hutches will be 4ft plus with built in runs. Given access to garden where possible.
I'm worried about dispatching them, I'm thinking getting them nice and relaxed, then shot to the head area for a quick death. Is there any other way to do this that does not require brute force? Must be as calm as possible
I'm looking at selling any spare rabbit to other dog owners for around £1.50 a rabbit, as is or Skinned and gutted.
Food: grass, hay, organic veg. Is this OK?
Will be kept outdoors, other then a nice thick bed of hay, what will i need to do for them during winter? I know they will need shelter and shade during summer. I do have a garage, would this be better? And moving them to the garden during the day for natural sunlight?
Ideal age/weight to dispatch? How long should I leave between pregnancy for optimal health? How long can a buck... Buck for? Will he have to retire at a certain age?
My primary concern are the rabbits health and welfare

please correct anything I have wrong! I'm a complete novice!