I personally do not like pure suffolks, I find them too large and cumbersome, lack of a nice rear end (apart from NZ suffolks), lambs can be dopey and not as hardy as some others and I know of pedigree breeders who feed them full of turkey growers pellets to get them looking good for the sale
(I could go on.... but I wont
Suffolk crosses as a ewe are better as they have a bit of hybrid vigor and are a popular cross with downland farmers in the place of the mule, although I had suffolk mules and on the same grass as my other ewes they couldnt keep the weight on and were always too skinny, and I dont know of anyone who lambs then outside and doesnt feed cake so they just didnt suit me
But if you really like a breed then go for it
as suffolks may just catch your eye and really suit your system so they could do well for you!