It doesn't work like that around here, we aren't bothered by councils or the parks in that respect, and I don't mean that in an arrogant way, but they have bigger fish to fry. The parks are very much into housing planning. we work very much hand in hand with the Park rangers here, who work very differently to the red tape officers (not a bad bunch mind, barring one or two hehe) we have recently worked with them to re instate an old over grown path, joined up the driveway to it, made some great provisions for public use and park use, we have also been beavering away re instating the old coast guards walk to the lookout tower on our perimeter which will eventually be an extra walk, a permissive one.
Anyway it s all done now bar a handful that are housed, and normal service shall now resume, and to be honest only a trickle of people eventually came through, some locals who were so accomadating and even got to see walks they didn't know were there.
There will probably some kind of walkway throught the yard next year and we ll sort out some kissing gates at top and bottom of yard.