I agree - think very carefully before deciding not to vaccinate. Clostridial disease and acute pasturellosis usually kill sheep before you have a chance to treat any clinical signs. You can often get away free for a couple of years & then have a disaster. Pasturella seems to often kill the best thriving lambs at 4-8 weeks old with another blip in the autumn. Clostridial diseases are soil borne & lay dormant in the sheeps tissues. Once condtions are right they multiply rapidly & produce toxins which kill the sheep extremely quickly. Different clostridia have their specific target organs but all types multiple rapidly in damaged tissue eg fluke damaged liver ( black disease), mastitic quarters ( black garget) tups fighting ( big head) muscle damage after eg injections ( black leg), tetanus etc etc. The incidence has increased dramatically in both cattle & sheep in the last couple of years with increased rainfall meaning soil contaminating grass & forage plus increased fluke.