Author Topic: Does anyone eat goat meat?  (Read 20993 times)


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2009, 10:21:14 am »
Ohh you are missing out, I only like milder curry but strangly enough, curry goat is not a hot spice dish, not like curry realy but with cloves andmore like a stew, the meat is very tasty and ususlay served on the bone so can be a bit messy to eat but very  nice, not hot at all but spicey.


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2009, 10:17:56 am »
I have Afro caribeans in my family. at christmas most will by a goat between two families and slow roast some of it, and then use the tough bits for curry. mmm! deliciuos!


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2009, 10:32:30 am »
Ummmmmmmmmm,, I wounder why it's not more popular? I suppose the sharpe bones and people not keeping goats so much, only for pets!!!


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2009, 02:23:20 pm »
The lady who sells her goat meat, told me that she gets orders from quite a few of the bigger restaurants and also hotels.  Apparantly the posh people cannot get enough of it - but I do wonder how many of these people are actually aware of what they are eating.

I have to admit that the sample of cooked goat meat she gave me was absolutely delicious, and no fat on it at all.  It had a nice flavour, different that what I thought. I think I probably expected it to be like lamb, as quite a lot of people I have spoken to have the same idea.

If you can put aside the pet goat image, and you get the chance, then try it and see.

little blue

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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2009, 07:45:43 pm »
Whereabouts is her 'goat farm'? Just in case we end up with all male kids too!
I'd have no probs eating them, but don't think o/h would - he wont eat lamb having had a 'pet' one 20 odd years ago!
But if I didnt tell him, he might
Little Blue


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2009, 08:53:22 pm »
Lady is in Lancashire Little Blue, but not too far from us.  Yes, disguised in a casserole your OH would have no idea of what he was eating.  You would have to keep a straight face when he said how good it was.  Only thing is what would you say when he asked what it was!!!


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2009, 11:30:12 pm »
That's a good idea, back when we used to raise ostrich and emus, I would NEVER tell some people (like my parents) what the meat was or they would have NOT tried even a bite. You could not tell it from beef. It was always fun to take a dish of emu or ostrich kabobs to a potluck and watch people gobble it up. Not till they were finished and raving to me how good it was, and that they wanted my recipe did they get to know. I would start by saying, "well, you take 2 pounds of emu meat and cut it in thin slices....." Then I would get: :o :o :-*
1 wonderful husband, his 200 beehives,13 chickens, 8 camels, 4 zebra, 21goats,  2 pigs, 4 dogs, 1 horse, 2 ponies, 1 donkey and 1 capybara.


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2009, 02:33:16 pm »
i have only ever had goat meat twice both times very nice. slow stew pot roasting would work the bones are messey but so is lamb chops. its better they serve a purpose than suffering.


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2009, 01:10:19 pm »
I was brought up on a small farm and we ate all the meat from there. Goat was my grandmas favourite, and an awful good use for the unwanted boys. I remember when we had goat and the people on the next farm knew that was what we where having they always came round for a bowl of stew.

A couple of years ago I lived next to a fantastic butcher who had goat in one day so I bought it and took it home and popped it into the slow cooker to simmer slowly, when my OH came in he smelt the goat cooking and went into the kitchen and pinched a bit. He came through into the lounge and declared the meat in the slow cooker was fabulous what was it. Well I said it was goat and he looked at me strangely and said you can't eat goat they are pets (blinking city boy) so it took me a while to explain to him that no they were livestock and yes they were very edible. Now we have a smallholding and slowly getting the animals we want he has mentioned a couple of times about goat for meat so I think the city boy may have found something he likes ;)


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2009, 09:37:01 pm »
Just had a giggle at your post - I suppose your OH saw eating the goat, almost like eating a pet rabbit!!

A lot of people I know are horrified that I drink goats milk, so I don't dare mention about actually eating goats, to them!!!


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2009, 09:01:43 am »
I think you all know this but just in case.  Did you know that goat meat is very low in cholesterol?  There is a whole list of the benefits of eating goat's meat that I can't remember them all, but that one did stay in the brain.  Found a good web site once - can't find it now though.  Another one was that goat's milk can stop you getting ulcers in the duodenum!! Lots of benefits.   :cat: :chook:


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2009, 10:27:32 am »
ooh yes, the lady with the goat meat did mention it was low in cholesterol - ideal for those who have to watch that.


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2009, 06:36:57 pm »
Just had a giggle at your post - I suppose your OH saw eating the goat, almost like eating a pet rabbit!!

A lot of people I know are horrified that I drink goats milk, so I don't dare mention about actually eating goats, to them!!!

He probably did look at it that way but is now quickly coming round to the idea of eating our livestock (even the chooks).

Goats milk yum yum yum it has been years since I tasted it. I remember the dogs would try every way possible to knock it out of our hands so they could have some.

Now I want goats  :goat: and a house cow  :cow:so I can have that lovely fresh milk I used to have as a child ;D

Ooooh the food safety people would have freaked if they had seen us as kids in the pantry with a spoon to get the cream from the milk grandma had just brought in from the barn ;D


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2009, 09:17:40 pm »
ooh yes, I used to stand in the cow shippen where my uncle milked the jersey house cow.  I must have been about 10 at the time.  Once he had finished milking, I used to dip a cup into the bucket, and get the milk, then I would drink some, and pour some into the farm cats uncle then took the milk into the kitchen, where it would be placed onto the old stone sink to keep cool.  I would then skim the lovely yellow rich cream off the top and polish that off too.

The amount of rich jersey milk I used to drink, I am very surprised I have always been a size 10 ....and also very surprisd that I was never ill from drinking all that unpasturised milk!!!


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Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2009, 07:56:24 pm »

The amount of rich jersey milk I used to drink, I am very surprised I have always been a size 10 ....and also very surprisd that I was never ill from drinking all that unpasturised milk!!!
Really strange as I have always been a size 10 as well, I wonder if it was the good food we were brought up on that hadn't been 'touched' by the food industry.

I am so craving goat meat and milk now, me thinks I will have to look into fencing part of the field and investing in some.


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