I don't post all that often, what with only a few dogs a cat, some rabbits and chickens I don't have anything too exciting to contribute-but I do love reading about the pigs and sheep (especially Kune Kunes & Jacobs-one day I'll have a house with more space than a back garden I swear!) but today I had a chat with my vet which made me wonder...and It was a chat I think best suited to discussing with more function than form thoughts of people, and those with working dogs as well as pets.
I have three dogs, a small ageing terrier cross who nowdays catches more flies than rats and rabbits (her once job), and two rough collies (lassie dogs) one is still very lassie looking despite being from a show kennel which is unusual as generally the breed has been ruined and are TINY with HUGE coats and look more like big shelties, totally impractical as a working dog but a few breeders still preserve the older looking dogs. But even they don't resemble the original RC. My other RC however is from two smooth collie parents, a throwback to when the two breeds were seen as varieties of one-as they are in America and on the continent, and thus bred together. He looks like the 1950s collies, looooong nose, tall and light framed, a long silky coat but more on a par with a BC than show RC-just like the old lassie dogs! Due to KC hyprocricy, despite being a rough collie and despite if he'd been born anywhere else in the world he would have been registered as one, here he had to be registered as a smooth. The breed club won't chase the issue up through fear of the breed being merged again and losing their individual CC status it seems. ANYWAY, whilst at the vets with this ancient looking boy our vet asked "so when are you going to breed him and get some real lassies in the world again, i haven't seen collies like him in donkeys" and i stated how he's registered as a smooth so couldn't be bred with roughs.
We then had an indepth discussion about breeding, his illumination how breeds such as Jack Russells and Patterdales aren't KC recognised let alone registered and how they are bred to popularity AND with pedigrees as such (well as in the sense of family trees) really made me think
Not that I'm going to breed any dogs before anyone worries I'm a back yard breeder looking for justification here, I haven't got the time nor space for puppies-nor the inclination, as lovely as they are! But it made me wonder, what IS the importance of the actual KC registration nowdays? Surely if a pedigree of the dogs lines can be provided, why is KC registration actually important?
They seem to have allowed for the ruination of so many functional breeds now, yes I'm aware it's the breeders doing this not the KC but they still register the pups and still permit judges who place these specimens as the "correct" ideal of the breed. So much so that it makes you wonder, does the KC registration actually have all that much of a place/bearing in the breeding and buying of dogs?
I can't quite decide on this one-thought it would make na interesting discussion anyway!