A ram lamb as a pet shouldn't need any concentrates to grow and produce wool, rams as not pets shouldn't really need concentrates in the first place
I would get him a sheepy friend if I were you, as goats and sheep are different
I also would not keep a sheep entirely indoors but if he didn't know any better then it's much the same as cows kept indoors on zero grazing I guess... But still I wouldn't do it
When we had milk goats we fed them mix but goats that weren't milking didn't get mix, so I don't know how you can feed goats mix and ram lamb none unless you cut out the goats mix or fed te ram lamb on goat mix
Just remember that there are many farmers/smallholders on here who have kept sheep for years outdoors grazing pasture with thier own kind how sheep should be kept, and so when the suggestion that a sheep "may" be on his own and kept indoors... Of course some people may show surprise and be shocked! What else would you expect really
If someone on here had te choice to either take a sheep to live indoors with no other sheep or be popped in the freezer, well most people would choose freezer, I would rather have a sheep in the freezer any day than put it indoors on its own and keep it there.
So remember people are just thinking of there own flocks and thinking of a sheep indoors with no other sheep, your immature replies make it worse as comparing a feedlot in the USA to one pet in the uk is sort of stupid