A question on worming: I understand that there is a 'peri-parturient' (pre-lambing) rise in worm (egg?) numbers in ewes just before (or is it just after?) they give birth, because their own natural worm defences are weaker then.
So if you're lambing in a shed, it makes sense to worm them before you turn them out with their lambs.
However, if you're lambing outside, would it not make more sense to worm them a few weeks before lambing? That way they'll have no worms left to give rise to the rise, if you see what I mean? I can see that with flighty ewes, you don't want to stress them out in the run up to lambing, but since ours are a soppy un-flappable bunch, why wouldn't I do it 2-3 weeks before they lamb instead?