wash it in strong salted water , let it stand in clean strong salted water for an hour or so , then leave it in the fridge in a fairly strong white vinegar solution to marinade & tenderize for 12 hrs. or so .
Rinse off with clean cold water several times to remove the strong vinegar taste , then casserole in a lided casserole using a milk based liquid . Add mustard to get it sweet ( No it's doesn't get hot as the cooking kills the heat of the mustard )
When I used to shoot them a lot I used to sort the rabbit out as above, then joint it into two fore legs & chest , a whole middle back , then two full individual rear legs.
Roll them all in well seasoned plain flour , put it in a casserole on top of chunks of spuds, loads of sliced strong onions & 1/2 " thick slices of carrots , add a meat stock (or 2 oxo's in a pint & a half of boiling water ) adding a little bit of cider & half a thick sliced tart apple . Casserole it long & low with lid on for about four hours, topping up with boiled water if needed in a 130 oC oven once you've brought it to the boil on a gas ring etc. .