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Sheds. We all have them. For some they are purely functional, a place to store stuff safely and securely. For others they are a place to spend quality time, to contemplate the…

OnlineshowHome & Garden / GardeningFriday 6 January, 2012



We weaned our only ewe lamb today. Nellie is now in Sheepfold with the ponies and Dickie, our wether, who just happens to be her brother. She and Juno bawled for a couple of hours,…

DiaryLivestock / SheepSunday 19 September, 2010


It's that time of year when the snow falls the cycle of smallholding life turns to newborn lambs, kids, chicks and other livestock. And while we love all of our animals,…

OnlineshowLivestock / SmallholdingMonday 18 March, 2013


Winter can be tough on our wildlife, and it's an important time to support them with things like bird feeders and shelter. Although many species hunker down and wait out the…

OnlineshowHome & Garden / WildlifeTuesday 29 January, 2013


Back in 2009 we had some TAS badges produced so that fellow TASers could identify each other at smallholding events without needing to resort to pink carnations in buttonholes…

OnlineshowTAS / Anything goesThursday 21 June, 2012


It's spring time! Everything's starting to bud and blossom, the lambs, kids, calves and chicks are arriving, and the clocks have changed. It's an uplifting time of year. With…

OnlineshowSmallholding / Anything goesMonday 31 March, 2014


Holiday veg update

We've been on holiday the past 2 weeks which explains the lack of entries here (counter-intuitive I know, but we've been busy!). The veg garden has had a good bit of attention,…

DiaryVegetables / GrowingWednesday 26 May, 2004


Wanda's parcel

I've had the funniest morning. You may recall a previous post about how much my horse and his chum, Johnny, like Marmite sandwiches. Well, Wanda, who comments regularly on the…

DiaryTAS / Anything goesThursday 12 July, 2007


Win a Garden Planner subscription is an online Garden Planner which helps you grow fruit and vegetables to the best of their ability, whatever the size or shape of your garden or plot. With…

PrizedrawVegetables / GrowingThursday 28 February, 2013


Stirling Show tomorrow

Stirling Show's on tomorrow. It's not very well publicesed - I didn't see it in the Scottish Farmer today and there's nothing on the web that I can see either. Anyway, I THINK it's…

DiarySmallholding / AgricultureFriday 8 June, 2007

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