Pig Slapper Ink Box
This Pig Slapper Ink Box is for use with pig slappers and Is not supplied with ink. This is a Heavy duty welded steel construction Ink Box with a 120mm X 120mm X 25mm closed cell rubber ink pad.
When new these ink pads have a thin rubber skin on the inking surface which has to be punctured to allow absorption of ink. The easiest way to do this is by using the slapper tattoo pins firmly on the ink box pad, then taking a spatula or the flat of a knife, and squeezing tattoo ink into the pad. You now have a pre-inked pad.
You will find that the more you use the pad, the better it will become. Re-ink as and when it becomes necessary. If the pad is not used on a weekly basis wrap in cling film to prevent drying out, and always reseal the tattoo paste tin after use.
If you heve less than 10 pigs to slap at any one time that you do not require an ink pad - instead apply the ink to the pig slapper with a toothbrush or sponge.
Smallholding books
The Fruit Tree Handbook Ben Pike | Bread: River Cottage Handbook No. 3 Daniel Stevens | Dough Richard Bertinet | Cheesemaking and Dairying: Making Cheese, Yoghurt, Butter and Ice Cream on a Small Scale Katie Thear | The Illustrated Guide to Pigs Celia Lewis |